Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP

Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP
Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP: A Developer’s Guide to SEO is mainly geared toward web developers, because it discusses search engine optimization in the context of web site programming. You do not need to be a programmer by trade to benefit from this book, but some programming background is important for fully understanding and following the technical exercises.
We also tried to make this book friendly for the search engine marketer with some IT background who
wants to learn about a different, more technical angle of search engine optimization. Usually, each chapter starts with a less-technical discussion on the topic at hand and then develops into the more advanced technical details. Many books cover search engine optimization, but few delve at all into the meaty technical details of how to design a web site with the goal of search engine optimization in mind. Ultimately, this book does just that. Where programming is discussed, we show code with explanations. We don’t hide behind concepts and buzzwords; we include hands-on practical exercises instead. Contained within this reference are fully functional examples of using XML-based sitemaps, social-bookmarking widgets, and even work-
ing implementations of cloaking and geo-targeting.